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Dakota Servold for Emerica and Zero skateboards 'Less than Zero'

Dakota Servold for Emerica and Zero skateboards 'Less than Zero'

First up in chronological order is the latest release from Jamie Thomas' mighty Zero skateboards which shows no signs or either slowing down nor of a commitment to raw, gnarly skating. Like their contemporaries Baker, Zero skateboards are what they are, unashamedly, and this consistency is something to be celebrated. Or, to quote YouTube, "A skateboard video without gen z shit? Say no more, its a masterpiece."  Reuben Barrack opens it and mixes unconventional tech gnar on unconventional spots with reckless Zero shit. All filmed in glorious traditional fisheye vision. Anthony Vega goes in, there's a sick montage and then Ben Havran FSU on a deep level. Amazing work from The Chief and co. Basically, if you're sick of trendy bullshit, watch this. You'll buzz off it. 

The second noteworthy piece of online debris for week one of March is Dakota Servold's pro shoe hype video from Emerica. Following an unconventional format with narration from Dakota, 'There's so much more' delivers insanely high octane street skating. Technical and massive rail oriented, this dude is without a doubt top tier levels. It's reassuring to see brands dare to try something outside the safety of the prevailing norms of pro skating in 2024. Progression works in more than one direction. Support this one with your attention.





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